Archive for junk food

How “Saida” got her title.

Posted in Art, fibre art, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on July 30, 2011 by kathyartist

29×21 inches, painted in the early 90’s.  I was exhibiting a lot at the time, at Granville Island in Vancouver. This beautiful woman just came out on the paper. I used some lovely pearl paint in the fan. When I look at the picture I can feel the line made to create her curvaceous back. She is so sensual! The paper used was so lovely too. It just drank the paint up perfectly, to get the effect I was after.

Soon after completing this painting, here is what occurred.

A woman who I had met at Granville Island Market called me. She said, “I’m right around the corner from you. Can I come over?” This was before I had my studio. I of course said, “Yes! Come right over.” My hubby and son and I who had been watching a movie, and eating junk food in our pajamas in our completely messy house, scrambled as fast as we possibly could to clean up the house, get dressed, pull the art out of the closet, and make it look like an instant art studio in less than ten minutes. Whew. She knocked. I elegantly answered the door. It looked like we were open for business, and everything was as it should be. Kyle and Jack disappeared into another area of the house. And entered a lovely  woman, and her two friends.  I greeted them, and I think my mouth may have fallen open and my look may have been that of extreme surprise. For here she was. The lady in my painting. I said, “You have to see this painting I just made.” I went and got it. Oh, she did love it. I said “I don’t know how, but this is a painting of you! ” She agreed. I told her that I would like to name the painting after her, which I did.  I never saw her again. She purchased a few items, and gave me a few wonderful tips on where I could promote my work. Lovely and supportive.  Some people have so much presence. She is one of those people, and it was an honour to meet her. I know she also felt honoured to have the painting named after her. My daughter in law Catherine later purchased this painting.  I love that she loves my art.